Monday, August 16, 2010

Intermountain Healing Hearts

Oh my goodness we had an amazing weekend!! We were able to go to an Intermountain Healing Hearts Camp that was honestly so amazing!! I met so many miracle kids who were stinkin cute and the families were AMAZING!! I got to see some of Parker's old friends from the hosptial who was so much fun. It was something else to see some of those kids that you knew in the hospital so ill fighting for their lives and now they were running around camp swinging sliding down the slide doing Pinata's and jumping in a big bounce thing, laughing and building friendships with other kids just like them!! It is something else!! There were lots of volunteers there who fed us they were so awesome and way nice too!! I don't wish on anyone to have a heart child but if anyone ever did I would reccommend this group of families because soon enough you become a family together!!! I love my friends and thank all of them for their Friendship and love for my family!!


1 comment:

  1. I think people that experience things like you have to be the most awesome kind of people.
